Motors in Meadow

A large subset of what’s called “motion control” is all about using motors to perform actions.  From large industrial conveyors and bulk material augers down to 3D printers and hobby robots, motors are everywhere. The question for us is “how do I control those…

Setting up Azure IoT Hub for your Meadow projects

You can finally configure your Meadow projects with Azure using IoT Hub! This guide will guide you step by step of what you need to do generate a sas access token that you’ll add on your project to communicate with azure to send and…

Add OpenWeather to your Meadow Projects

If you’d like to get real time weather data to your Meadow projects, you should try using the free public weather web service OpenWeatherMap, which we use already in a couple of our projects up on Hackster. First you’ll need to create an account…

Hack Kit Series: Closer look at Capacitive Soil Moisture sensors

Hello Makers, In this post we’re going over the Capacitive Soil Moisture sensor included in the Hack Kit. Capacitive Moisture Sensor is a soil moisture sensor based on capacitance changes. When the humidity of the soil rises, the value of the output decreases; conversely,…

Hack Kit Series: Closer look at Push Buttons

Hello friends, In this blog post I want to show you how we simplified the way to use push buttons on Meadow for beta 4.5 release (which is included in the Meadow Hack Kit) using Meadow.Foundation. Important Note: whenever we’re working with Digital Interrupt…

Hack Kit Series: Closer look at Relays

Hello Makers, It has been a while since I make another post about another peripheral included in Meadow’s Hack Kit. This time we’re going to learn how to work with relays using Meadow.Foundation. No need to download any NuGet packages to use this peripheral,…

Meadow projects recap in 2020

Hello fellow makers, This post is to showcase the most interesting and useful Meadow projects on Hackster released throughout this year: Working with µGraphics on a ST7789 Display Learn how to connect an SPI LCD display to your Meadow board to draw shapes, text…

Hack Kit Series: Closer look at 74HC595 IO Expander

Hello once again, In this post we’re going to talk about one integrated circuit included in your Hack Kit that you can use to expand your number of pins on your Meadow board: the 74HC595 (aka shift register). To use this peripheral, you’ll need…

Hack Kit Series: Closer look at LEDs

Hello Makers, In this blog post I want to show you how simple is to control LEDs using Meadow.Foundation. In other platforms you would need to set digital output ports or PWM ports to control the LEDs by changing its values explicitly. With Meadow.Foundation,…

Hack Kit Series: Closer look at SG90 Micro Servos

Hello once again, In this post, I want to draw your attention to the couple of servos included in your awesome Meadow Hack Kit. These are pretty straight forward to set up using the Meadow.Foundation driver library. For these peripherals, you’ll need to search…