Meadow b5.3 w/ SQLite and more!

Meadow b5.3 is out, and it’s our most stable and complete release yet. We spent a lot of effort fixing issues introduced in b5.1/b5.2, and also added SQLite support to Meadow! Big changes and fixes include:

  • SQLite Support – SQLite is now built into Meadow.OS and Frank added support for Meadow in his SQLite.NET ORM.
  • Azure Integration – The auth bug that prevented integration with Azure is fixed.
  • Network Fixes – There are a pile of Network stack fixes and stabilization.
  • Bluetooth Fixes – There were some strange bugs introduced to bluetooth in b5.2, we fixed them.
  • Meadow.Foundation Cleanup – Lots of sample cleanup and some small API upgrades.
  • Docs – We reorganized some of our Meadow.OS docs, and did a huge update on Meadow.Foundation documentation.

For more information see the release notes.

See you on the next post,