Congratulations, Project Green on their Impact Sponsorship!

A big congratulations to Project Green for winning an impact sponsorship. They’ve built a prototype residential water usage sensor that attaches to a water meter, uploads usage data to a dashboard where folks can track their water usage and notifies them if they’ve got…

Let’s make an impact together.

Join us next week at’s Impact Summit on October 11th and 12th. Make sure to tune in on the 12th @ 2pm PT to catch Bryan Costanich’s lightning talk about humankind’s impact on the planet and how we, as technologists, can make positive…

New Meadow.CLI beta version is out

As we work hard towards our biggest Meadow update yet, we just rolled out a beta build of our command line tool, Meadow.CLI, that will help make flashing, deploying files, listen to COM ports and more, work more reliably. Open a terminal and type:…

ICYMI: Meadow demos at NuttX Workshop 2022

If you couldn’t attend our Meadow presentations at the Nuttx International workshop 2022, you can catch recording session on the Nuttx official YouTube channel: Here’s Mark Steven’s presentation, talking about how we use NuttX on our Meadow boards. Here’s Neal Ferguson’s presentation talking about…

Introducing the Project Lab

Our mission is deceptively simple: to make hardware development as fast and easy as web or mobile development. And to that end, we’ve spent five years solving incredibly difficult challenges to democratize hardware development for all. Prototype without breadboarding. This week, we announced the…

Wilderness Labs announces the appointment of Thomas Dohmke to Chair of the Board

Picture of Thomas Dohmke being shown on an LCD display

Wilderness Labs announces the appointment of Thomas Dohmke as Chair of the Board of Wilderness Labs. Dohmke is the CEO of GitHub, the largest developer community on the planet. Having been a developer for over 30 years, Thomas brings extensive experience in building developer…

How to do a full stack Meadow update

In this post shows you how I performs a full stack update, meaning updates for the Meadow.CLI, Meadow.OS binaries, Visual Studio extensions, and Meadow.Foundation drivers and updates. Check out our Release Notes to see all the latest changes in every beta release. Updating your…

Drawing Images with MicroGraphics

Drawing images on a display is pretty much table-stakes for any sort of display-based application, and embedded software is no exception. Meadow Foundation‘s MicroGraphics Library is our go-to for drawing things like lines, shapes and text, but it wasn’t terribly friendly for drawing images….

ICYMI: Check out Chris Tacke’s appearance on Enterprise IoT for .NET developers

Not long ago, one of our Meadow engineers, Chris Tacke, did a very interesting demo using Meadow to show what working in IoT looks like coming as a .NET software developer, and you’ll be surprised on how easy and familiar is to use our…

Optimizing the Clima Supply Chain: Batteries

Hey folks!  Bryan here, I wanted to share some learning we gained around batteries and the supply chain that might be useful in your own battery-powered, IoT solutions.  As a reference IoT kit, Clima is intended to help our customers accelerate their own production-IoT…