Locked inside? Buy a Hack Kit, feed someone in need.

Hey folks, Bryan here (cofounder/CEO);
TL;DR: stay inside, buy a hack kit, and we’ll donate $15 to the local food bank.
I know lots of you have been hit with C19, or are at risk of getting hit with it. Maybe your country is on lockdown. Maybe store shelves near you lack toilet paper or basic food staples. This is a scary time for humanity. We’re locked in a battle with something 1/10 millionth of our size, yet is holding our civilization hostage. Know this though, we’ll get through this; this too shall pass.
Already, signs of recovery in many parts of the world are showing. In China, things are on the mend, new cases have dropped rapidly, and the machine of their economy is starting to pick back up. South Korea seems to have turned a corner as well. And if you’re still feeling blue, here’s a fantastic read: 10 reasons to feel optimistic despite the Coronavirus.
On a personal note, we had C19 come through our household some weeks ago and we’re on the other side of it. But a few days ago we went grocery shopping and the local supermarkets had been stripped bare of essentials, and I couldn’t help but think about what the less fortunate in our community are experiencing. Many folks likely showed up after work, and even the staples they could barely afford on a good day, are gone.
So we want to do something to help. For the next month, we’re going to donate $15 from every hack kit we sell to the local food bank. It’s a win-win-win: you get something to keep your brain engaged while you’re locked in, support us, and feed folks while doing it!

And what better time to learn embedded? In just a few years there will be 10x as many non-mobile connected things on the planet as humans. We’re transitioning to a new part of the computing revolution; from desktop > web > mobile, and now hardware. While we’re all collectively stuck inside, get a hack kit, and start building! Your resume and spirit will thank you!
Ok, stay strong!