Announcing the Hardware Hackers meetup roadshow.

Hey folks, Bryan Costanich here; CEO and cofounder of Wilderness Labs, and I’m coming to a town near you!
We’re kicking off a new connected things developer meetup group called Hardware Hackers, where we’ll be covering all things .Net hardware hacking. From prototype to production, we’ll be shining a light on the most important movement in the computing since the mobile revolution; Connected Things.
Today, non-mobile connected devices outnumber mobile phones 4:1, and in just a few years, that number will grow 10:1, with 75 billion connected devices predicted by 2025. Powered by microcontrollers and commodity hardware advancements as a by product of the world going mobile, in a few years, nearly all new products will be connected.
Come learn how you can not only be part of this new phase of computing, but create the technology that powers it.
We’ve already got several months of talks lined up and have dates for our initial meetups up in Vancouver, BC, Seattle, Portland, and San Francisco, with plans to add Los Angeles, Phoenix, and Boise.
If you’re near any of these places, make sure to join the meetup groups:
- Hardware Hackers Vancouver, BC
- Hardware Hackers Bay Area
- Hardware Hackers Seattle
- Hardware Hackers Portland
Our first talk is happening next week, June 13th, in Portland, and we’ll be heading north the following week for a talk on Tuesday the 19th in Seattle, and Wednesday the 20th in Vancouver, BC! We’ll also be hitting San Francisco on the 26th, and Mountain View on the 26th. More details to follow on the Mountain View date.
For our first talk, come and get inspired to build your own connected things as I walk through hacking household appliances into connected things that you can control with your phone using Netduino and Xamarin. Come learn how Netudino.Foundation makes creating connected things in C# a piece of cake, with a massive library of peripheral drivers for sensors, LCDs, etc., and a handrolled API that makes building smart hardware a plug and play experience.
For a list of scheduled events, check out the Wilderness Labs events page, and if you don’t the Wilderness Labs newsletter make sure to sign up to stay in touch!