Meadow b3.7 is out and awesome!

Meadow b3.7; 4-8x faster MCU processing, and 86x faster IO performance.

We shipped Meadow b3.7 this last weekend, and it’s yuuuuuuge!

Photo showing an OLED display hooked to a Meadow board with the text "Meadow b3.7, 4-8x faster, 86x IO Perf."

b3.7 is a huge leap forward, with it comes:

  • 86x IO performance increase (318x since b3.5)
  • 4-8x processing performance increase
  • Tons of IO API stability bug fixes
  • Deployment streamlining
  • A pile of new Meadow.Foundation drivers

Make sure to upgrade today! For full details check out the b3.7 release notes.